
ECGI is accepting new research membership applications

ECGI is seeking to appoint leading research scholars as research members of the institute. ECGI operates as a global network and as such applications are welcome from all locations. The deadline for applications is 4 September 2020.
7 July 2020


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Active Short Selling by Hedge Funds

The inaugural seminar in the ECGI Spotlight Series took place on 13 July 2020. The series was introduced by the Chair of ECGI, Professor Lucrezia Reichlin and the Executive Director, Professor Marco Becht... 

Thu 15 October 2020

ECGI Annual Members’ Meeting 2020

This event is co-sponsored by Stockholm School of Economics, the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) and the European Corporate Governance Research Foundation (ECGRF). It brings together senior academics and thought-leaders in business to discuss a range of important topics. 

Fri 16 October 2020 > Sat 17 October 2020

SHoF- ECGI Conference on Sustainable Finance and Corporate Governance

The Swedish House of Finance (SHoF) and the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) are pleased to invite interested academics and others to attend a conference on Sustainable Finance on October 16-17, 2020.



How are Bankers Paid?

Bank executive incentives and compensation have been in the spotlight since the 2007-2009 financial crisis. Some claim that there was a corporate governance failure in bankers’ compensation—the perverse risk-taking incentives spawned by the way bankers were compensated were at least partly to...

Benjamin Bennett
Radhakrishnan Gopalan
Anjan Thakor
18 February 2020

Do Short-Term Incentives Affect Long-Term Productivity?

Are US companies short-termist? Several recent papers identify actions that indicate short-termism, such as a reduction in long-term investment due to vesting equity and a reduction in R&D growth that allows firms to meet earnings forecasts. Hribar et al. (2006) and Almeida, Fos, and...

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Institutional Investors

Shareholder Stewardship in the Netherlands: The Role of Institutional Investors in a Stakeholder Oriented Jurisdiction

Nowadays, shareholder engagement is considered a key feature of corporate governance. We investigate institutional investors’ voice in the Netherlands, focusing on shareholder voting in particular. We built a new dataset of shareholder voting behaviour at general meetings of 29...

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Anne Lafarre
19 February 2020

Low-carbon Mutual Funds

Climate change is one of the key economic challenges of our time. Economists and public policy scholars increasingly agree on the merits of carbon taxes and/or tradable permits to ensure adequate pricing of carbon emissions at the international level. However, given the current practical and...

Marco Ceccarelli
Stefano Ramelli
Alexander Wagner
19 March 2020